Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Game Night Success!

My significant other (we aren't married, but we are destined for each other) - Caleb, works three jobs and still tucks our daughter into bed every night. He is super amazing. He told me he would like more time to game and screw. So, tonight I made sure a game and dinner were ready when he got home. He only has an hour of down time between jobs so it's a tight fit for anything fun. It went very well. Jones (our Manny) and I set up Pirate's of the Caribbean Life and we had stroganoff leftovers for dinner. The game went very well for Caleb. I couldn't seem to hold on to any of my money. Damn Calypso!!! Good night for everyone. Xavia even made it to bed at a decent hour tonight. She's off the bottle for about two weeks now, so bedtimes have been rough. I'll work on more time to screw tomorrow. :)
Peace and Love,

You can get the game here. We picked it up at Savers for $2.00, great place to find board games!!!
The Beef Stroganoff Recipe, make a double serving toss in the fridge for quick meal nights.
Tips to get the baby off the bottle.

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