Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Proper Use of Covers When Breast Feeding

Check out Miss Mayim's blogging about breast feeding. She's just so wonderful. :)

As any educated person can tell you breastfeeding is the way to go. I would have done it, but my body did not produce milk. It is a hormonal anomaly. I was sad to miss out on that part of raising my baby, however, I am still a die hard proponent of nursing. This is the best was to place a cover when feeding in public.
Simply tie around the offendee's face and tell him to turn around three times, and jump backwards until he grows up. The fact that women anywhere have been asked to stop feeding their children simply horrifies me. I do not eat in a toilet, why should my child? Why should any child be asked to go to another room to have dinner. People claim it's a civilized society. Great, we can see a man's naked flesh all over the beach, asses hanging out of swim suits, blood and gore, liposuction videos on daytime tv, but not a bare breast feeding a child in public. Is that really a freaking standard? I find it all just incredibly boring. Women are made to care for their children. Babies need to eat. Feed them. It's just that simple. No argument needed. If you don't like breastfeeding, don't watch it. If you don't want to be around it. Leave. If you don't want it in your business, I dare you to put up a sign telling mother's not feed their children on your premises. Go ahead, it's your property. I'd say you would lose more business with the policy than just letting mothers be mothers.

If you are a mom feeding her child, you are doing everything right.

Anyone who gives you grief, stares, curses or childish mocking, even those that ask you to leave or relocate - tell them this "You there, close your eyes and walk away. I will not have my child exposed to your kind of hate. I am a mother. You are an idiot and I don't want your stupidity clouding my perfect motherly meal here. By the way I have the police on speed dial here, Say one more word to me and I'm going to have them here. Didn't you know, it has been ruled legal for mothers to feed their children anywhere they please!" If you are anything like me you would add in a caustic "Dipshit!" on the end there but, you know, it's up to you.

Peace and Love, 

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