Saturday, September 13, 2014

My Day with the Girls.

My oldest friend has two daughters, both are staying the weekend with me. It's a girl free for all. I hope Caleb and Jones can survive it. Caleb rolled around on the floor with everyone before he left for work. He even helped out and made the bed for me. He's such a trooper. Xavia had a wild screaming time making a blanket fort and drawing. We all had a nice dinner, my mom stayed too, so it was a real Shabbat tonight with family and friends. After all that we settled in to play Life and watch Signs while we all wind down for bed. It rained all day and the windows were open to let in the fresh air. I got the back bathroom cleaned out, now the house feels cool, smells great and is very nice and clean for everyone. It was a really great day! Shabbat Shalom everyone, have a wonderful night.

Peace and Love,

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